Customize Style 4 Image Widget

The Style 4 Image Widget have 5 customizable areas:


  1. Hyperlink your image
  2. Add/Change Image
  3. Title
  4. Paragraph
  5. Hovering background color


Click on the tabs below to access each customization tutorial:
Link Your Image

Locate this code:

<a href=”YOUR URL“>

Insert any URL in place of  “YOUR URL” (for example,

When inserting the URL link, make sure it is within the two quotation marks.  If the quotation marks are erased, the image widget will not function properly.  In case the quotation marks are accidentally deleted, simply add them back in.


Default Code

Add/Change Image
The DivTag Image Widget adapts to any image type and sizes.  So it does not matter what is the size of the image, the widget will automatically re-size it to fit.  The process of adding images in the Image Widget was shown in the “How to Install Image Widget” tutorial video. You can click here to view the video again.  We will go over how to add/change your Image Widget image below.

Step 1: Upload Image(a) Open your W Theme Editor, click on “Design” and then on “Edit HTML/CSS” tab towards the top right corner.  (b) Find “Add new file(s)” on the left vertical column. Here is where you will upload your images

Click to Enlarge a) Access W Theme EditorClick to Enlarge b) “Add new file(s)”

Step 2: Retrieve Image URL(a) Click on the name of the image(s) you uploaded (click on the image below to enlarge it) (b) Right click on the image and select “Copy Image URL”. (c) Here you can paste it on a Notepad/Wordpad/TextEdit (to reference back to these image URL’s later).  Proceed to Step 3.

Click to Enlarge a) & b) Copy image url

Step 3: Insert Image URLLook for this code:<img src=”IMAGE URL” alt=”#” />Paste the copied Image URL in place of  “IMAGE URL” (for example,  When inserting the URL link, make sure it is within the two quotation marks.  If the quotation marks are erased, the image widget will not function properly.  In case the quotation marks are accidentally deleted, simply add them back in.

Default Code

Insert Your Title

The title area is indicated by this code:

<b>Insert Title Here</b>

You can insert any text between <b> and </b>. Anything place inside these tags will become your title. When inserting your text, make sure not to erase the tags (<b> and </b>).  The Image Widget will not function properly if the tags are deleted.  In case the tags are accidentally deleted, simply open your html codes in the download package and replace the codes to start over.


Default Code

Insert Your Paragraph

Locate these codes:

<span>Insert Paragraph Here</span>

You can insert any text between <span> and </span>. Anything place inside these tags will become your title. When inserting your text, make sure not to erase the tags (<span> and </span>).  The Image Widget will not function properly if the tags are deleted.  In case the tags are accidentally deleted, simply open your html codes in the download package and replace the codes to start over.


Default Code

Choose Your Background Color

The Image Widget comes in 10 different colors, in addition to the default dark hover background. You can review the color choices in the demo site by click on the button below (scroll to Section “3) Background Color”):

weebly themes

A tip is to keep the demo site page open so you can refer back to the color choices whenever you need.

Changing the background color is as simple as adding a color text. The code we will be working with is this:

<i class=”article “></i>

Depending on the icon style you choose, instead of “article”, you might see “video” or “image” or “info”.  As default, there is currently no color name, so the widget will use the dark default background.


Default Code

You can choose to use one of the following background color:

Pink, Red, Violet, Purple, Blue, Light Blue, Teal, Green, Yellow and Orange

In this example, we will be adding a green background by inserting the word “green” in small cap:

<i class=”green article”></i>

If we want to change that to green, we simply replace the word “green” with “blue”.

<i class=”blue article”></i>
If we want to change it back to default, simply remove the color text and it will set back to the dark default background.

<i class=”article”></i>

The same customization steps / concept applies to the other Icon Styles (“Video” or “Image” or “Info”).

Save Changes and Publish to see the Image Widget Live.

Purple Background Example


For more details on how to customize the size, style and color of the fonts in the Image Widget, Click Here