What Happens After I Install DivTag’s Products?
Q: What should I do after I install a DivTag template?
A: After you install the template, you can proceed to customize the template based on our customization guides. In these guides, we will walk you through, step-by-step on how to customize certain parts of the template. All the customizable areas are outlined in each template's product page.
If you haven't seen our How It Works page, I highly encourage you to do so. On the page under the "Customize" step, we show you how to understand which parts of each template are customizable.
Q: Will I retain all my original / existing website content after I upload your template?
A: Yes, all your own existing content will be retained. The content as shown in our demo sites (such as the video, search bar, paragraphs, contact forms, forums) are only for illustration purposes and will not be a part of our product package. This is because we do not want to over-ride and erase your existing content on your Weebly website.
Once you have uploaded a DivTag templates, all your original existing content will still be there. If you would like to build a website that looks like our demo sites, just watch our video tutorial
Q: Will all the normal Weebly drag-and-drop building platform still be the same after I install your template?
A: Yes, website building with Weebly's drag-and-drop function will still be the same. The only thing that will be different is your new website design!