IMPORTANT: We have paused sales to all of our products.
Questions on Purchasing and Delivery
  • Q: Are your products 1-time purchases? Or recurring monthly / yearly membership fees? A: All of our products are 1-time investment purchases. So you only have to pay once and you can use the product forever.

    You only pay once - There are no recurring membership fees at all.

    Also see our Sales and Licensing Policy
  • Q: How will the DivTag's products be delivered to me? A: After the checkout process, an email will be sent to you immediately with a link unique only to you. Simply click on the secured link and it will lead you to download the products directly on to your computer. The entire process will just take a couple of minutes. Watch this demonstration video to see what exactly happens when you purchase.

  • Q: I don't have a PayPal account. Can I use credit cards? A: Yes. PayPal (our transaction services provider) ACCEPTS ALL MAJOR CREDIT CARDS. When you are in the shopping cart, you can choose to pay with your PayPal account if you have one, OR you could just use your credit card. Both options work. Watch this demonstration video to see how to use a Credit Card to purchase.

  • Q: Is shopping online SAFE? A: Yes, we use PayPal to transact so your private information is secure. PayPal accepts payment using either your own PayPal account or All Major Credit Cards. Watch this demonstration video to see what exactly happens when you purchase.

  • Q: What will the charge on my credit card statement say? A: After you pay through PayPal (which also accepts ALL major credit cards), you will see a charge from "DIVTAG TEMPLATES", which is our registered business name.